Blog Housekeeping

Happy Saturday everyone!!!

I have been doing a little housekeeping and organizing here, trying to make it as user friendly as possible! A good friend of mine pointed out that I didn’t have a gallery or a portfolio page……so I set one up. I still need to add a lot of people and pictures, but I have a good start on it! The link is on the left side of my blog home page, or you can click here.

I have also added a class description page. A big thanks to Kristin for making them coherent and understandable!

Check out the blog to see other pages I have added or combined. Let me know what you think!

quilters dream batting

Random, completely unrelated picture….but what a cutie!

So…how about a funny story?

Ever since being “questioned” at an airport for having ammunition in my carry on luggage (it’s a looonng story), I am nervous everytime I have to go through airport security. Of course, coming home from Rhode Island was no different. So when the security agent was scrutinizing my carry on bag….I had the same feeling of dread. He walked to me and asked if he could look through my bag, which of course I let him. He dug around until he found the culprit…..a cone of thread

Photo from Superior threads

He started smiling, walked it over to the gal running the scanner (the x-ray machine thing). She looked at it and busted out laughing and said, “That is NOT what I thought it was”. Still cracking up, but trying to look stern and professional, he returned the thread and sent me on my way. So here’s my question……what does a cone of thread look like in and x-ray machine??? Or do I even want to know???

Happy Quilting!

You never know who you are going to meet…..

So, when I was at MQX, I had a few minutes before one of my classes so I hit the show floor and checked out the quilts. I am an eclectic person by nature, I love all sorts of random things. Especially quilts…..I must have got that from Grandpa Ford, he never met a quilt that he didn’t  like! So I look forward to seeing the traditional quilts, the over-the-top quilts, and everything in between. Then I turned the corner and saw this quilt:

modern quilt at quilt show

This quilt was inspired by Yoshiko Jinzenji and was stunning to see up close. I briefly thought, “who says there are no modern quilts at quilt shows,” and then headed to my class.

Afterwards,  a gentleman that had taken the class came up and introduced himself to me. I recognized his name, he was Andy half of the dynamic duo that made that quilt! Turns out, it was a part of a special exhibit! Fast forward an hour and I was back at the show snapping pictures of the exhibit.

modern quilt exhibit

Photo by Jim Smith

modern quilt exhibit

Photo by: Jim Smith

As I was lurking around, snapping pictures, Jim came over and totally busted me ogling his quilts!!!

modern quilt

Up close of the quilting:

machine quilting detail

This quilt wasn’t in the exhibit, but was in the main show:


photo by: Jim Smith

I love the play on colors! You should check out their blog to see more of their work…you won’t be disappointed!

I had such a great time visiting with both of them and feel as though I have made 2 new friends! Just goes to show, you never know who you are going to meet!!!!

Today, I am headed to the MOKAN machine quilters guild to give a workshop, here’s hoping I meet some new friends there as well!

Happy Quilting!


You know that feeling when you have a lot of little stuff to say, but nothing major?? Consider that the inspiration of my blog post! A bunch of random, unrelated topics! Ready?? Go!

Gammill Love

First up, a friend/customer of mine sent me this picture of the Gammill ad in the American Patchwork & Quilting magazine!

Gammill Quilting machine ad with modern quilt

It never gets old seeing my Project Modern quilt in their ad!

Winner, Winner

So I am finally drawing a winner for last week’s deciding what to quilt series.

Congrats!!! I will be sending the winner an email soon!!!

My new favorite website

This is not a sponsered post, this is just a fun heads up on a new website!

I am sure you are familiar with WRBQ, a quilt shop guide and directory. They have just launched a, a mobile website that is an online quilt shop locator.

Welcome to myQSN, WRBQ Inc.’s mobile website. Our mission is to bring ALL of the quilt shops and events to quilters. With myQSN’s real-time website, you will have the most up-to-date information available. Our advertisers are in the free version and shown by bright blue text. To gain access to ALL quilt shops subscribe to our premium version. At the bottom of every shop there are buttons to “Save to Notes” “Save to Favorites” and “Report Changes”. Any changes you find, please let us know and we’ll take care of it for all the other quilters!
Happy Shopping!

Since I am traveling to Portland oregon in the fall, I can look up what quilt shops are in the area:

I can also find events and mark my favorite quilt shops…this is going to be fun!

100 Days of Modern Quilts:

I am excited to be featured on the Modern Quilt Guild’s “Week of Quilting” tomorrow, so make sure you check it out!


Whew!! That’s enough randomness for today, tomorrow I will be back with a much more focused post!!


Happy Quilting!